High-speed,fermentaion machine with hyperthermophiles(over 100 degrees C)
The fermentation that is using a super high heat living bacteria, which
lives in over 100 degrees C by fermenting heat, is only a subject in research
project. Thus, it is not ready for industrial use and purposes. Such a
bacteria that is subject of reaserch is discovered from a volcanic hot
springs and a deep sea that produces a high heat hydro-eruption.
By improving our bacteria that helps a fermentation process and our fermentation
machine, we succeeded to find out this result. Within 1.5 hour, fermantation
heat exceeded 100 degrees C and after the initial hour, fermentation heat
still kept raising its temperature in a normal temperature of the pressure
of the atmosphere.
In order to use the fermentation heat alone and effectively, prototype
machine was insulated from outside heat and sealed like an airtight containers.
The result of the machine was that it was possible to exceed 100 degrees
C and reappearance and reproduce of the same result was very easy.
From this result, we proved that a kitchen garbage fermentation machine
would be improved to high speed decomposing fermentation machine, technically.
And our next purpose is that in order to advance tha general knowledge
of fermentation technology and common sense, we try to prove below,
1. a possibility of high speed decomposing fermentation machine and process, and,
2. an usage for an orgenic waste decomposition and fermentation. __
The Outcomes of Research
1.Products and Prototype machine
2.Old records of a high heat living bacteria and a fermentation machine
1j Analysis of other company's machine (the perpendicular type)
(1)The relationship of a fermentation heat and kitchen garbage processing
from 24 hours to 36 hours.
(2)The proof of the fermentation process that caused by a high heat living
bacteria from 24 hours to 36 hours.
2j Analysis of our company's machine (the lower cone shape)
(1)Achievement of short time of fermentation decomposition with high
heat living bacteria, (finished within 2 hours.)
(2)Analysis of a bacteria that causes a fermentation and decomposition
(3)Our compost.
3.High Speed Fermentation and Deconposition Machine with a High Heat
Living Bacteria
1jOur Company's Machine under the insulated environment
2jAnalysis of Each Materials, alone and Adjustment of Moisture, and Bacteria
that causes a fermentation
(1)A Sawdust (Decompoition of Cellulose)
(2)Kitchen Garbage and Left Overs of Daily Food (Organic Matters of High
Rate Containment of Waterj
(3)A Carton Boxe
(S)A paper
3jEffectiveness of one time trial
(1)Total Quantity
(2)Total Quantity of Kitchen garbage
SjDifference Between One Time Only Trial and Stop and Go trial
(1)Four Times
(2)Six Times
TjAnalysis of a Complete Sealed and Insulated Condition
(1)Achieved over 100 degrees C fermentation heat
(2)Culture with over 100 degrees C fermentation heat
(3)Fermentation heat and pressure in a machine tub
(S)48 hours observation of sealing fermentation