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New Arrivals in October 引用
  2022/10/12 (水) 20:35:30 - sodoll750520 - <sodoll750520@gmail.com> - No.1665574244
Welcome to SODOLL Online Store! SODOLL is a brand store of high quality sex dolls.

Xycolo Doll

Bezlya Sex Doll

thick sex dolls

レーザーポインター専門 引用
  2022/10/12 (水) 16:55:03 - ledpointa - No.1665540969
レーザーポインター専門 https://www.ledpointa.com

ブランドコピー 引用
  2022/10/12 (水) 08:30:58 - 佐藤 美紀子 - <メール送信> - No.1665530659
ウブロレプリカ時計、IWC コピー時計、
Email: 007copy@gmail.com
店長:佐藤 美紀子

ihre Frisur oder Per&#252;cke &#228;ndern 引用
  2022/10/11 (火) 11:47:22 - syodoll - <syodolls2022@outlook.com> - No.1665456295
Cosplay ist eine der besten M&#246;glichkeiten, Sex mit Ihrer Real Dolls zu haben


Sodoll Store!10月のお得なキャンペーン! 引用
  2022/10/7 (金) 23:37:31 - sodoll750520 - <sodoll750520@gmail.com> - No.1665153002
(添付1) 1665153002.1.7-11
キ! おすすめのラブドールは以下の通りです

Bezlya Sex Doll

thick sex dolls

Xycolo Doll

Chinese Sex Doll

YL Sex Doll

Effective Ways To Break Up with Your Sex Doll 引用
  2022/10/7 (金) 23:31:06 - sodoll750520 - <sodoll750520@gmail.com> - No.1665153001
(添付1) 1665153001.1.7-11
If your love doll has not been used for a long time and there is no visible
damage, there are many ways to properly dispose of it.

Selling Sex Dolls To The Second-Hand Market
For example, real dolls are an expensive commodity in the US, so if you're
looking to trade in for a new real one, you might consider selling your old
Bezlya sex doll at Xianyi, the largest online second-hand market in the US. I
believe you are already familiar with Mercari, the largest second-hand trading
platform in Japan. It has now expanded to the world and has been very successful
in the United States. Mercari has a professional second-hand toy trading
category. We have our own sex dolls that can be put and sold online. Downloading
the Mercari app and entering information is easy. Of course, if the sale is
successful, there will be a commission.

Dollmate, a real doll forum site where you can sell your own thick sex dolls. Of
course, more importantly, you can find a lot of knowledge about the real-life
love doll industry here and make many friends.

High Quality B-cup Sex Doll

Throw Away As Non-Burnable Garbage
Even if the Xycolo doll is in a somewhat poor condition, second-hand buyers will
take it back, but in the event that it cannot be recovered, it can also be
disposed of as non-combustible garbage. If a love doll has been stored for many
years in a harsh environment, it is possible to fall into such a situation. If
the sex doll's skin is completely damaged and discolored, and you can see a
rusted skeleton peeking through the broken skin, the dealer won't take it back
unless you pay for it. So, if you want a clean separation, be sure to do so in a
timely manner. At the end of the day, it's also the secret to a long and
exciting relationship with real doll. Don't forget to take care of your Chinese
sex doll.

Do not wash TPE love dolls in hot water or store them in damp places exposed to
sunlight. This kind of thing alone accelerated her deterioration.

Now, it's up to you to take care of her because she has no one to take over!
Break her down into smaller pieces, wrap her in a size that isn't bulky, wrap
her in an opaque bag, and dispose of her gently as non-burnable trash. It's much
better than throwing it in the trash when it's fully humanoid.

Willa 163cm Sex Doll Porn

Recycle Love Dolls
Sex dolls are made of strong, hard materials that are often difficult to machine
because they go through many complex procedures to make them extremely durable.
So no one deals with leftovers or anything like that.

Your best bet is to sell it back to the manufacturer for proper recycling. You
may not know this, but many companies pay dearly when it comes to recycling love
dolls. They melted it clean and used silicone and TPE to remake it into new sex
toys that other people could use.

In Conclusion
Always remember that proper handling of YL sex doll is vital to the health of
all involved. If you decide to sell it, make sure it's clean and highly
sanitized to prevent unwanted disease and infection.

If you decide to throw it in the trash, make sure it's properly wrapped in an
opaque bag so it doesn't scare people and cause a commotion. Never use illegal
methods like throwing your love doll down a drain or pond!

Bezlya Sex Doll

thick sex dolls

Xycolo Doll

Chinese Sex Doll

YL Sex Doll

Some easy tools to warm up your sex doll without h 引用
  2022/10/6 (木) 16:53:58 - inannabelle - <realoksexdoll@gmail.com> - No.1665042763
Modern TPE JY Doll is everything you could want from a woman's look. They're
incredibly realistic, with mind-bending curves, goddess-like facial features,
and scorching smoke.

The attention to detail in their creations is impeccable.
That's why many men are willing to pay a fortune to own one of these modern
goddesses of love.

However, we have to be realistic and even recognize some flaws. Best lifelike Ai
Robot Sex Doll Aside from being unable to stand, walk, or be physically active
on their own, sex dolls lack the comfort and warmth that we humans seek in

Big Boobs Sex Doll pictures

They can feel the cold lying next to you on a brutal winter day. However, thanks
to the materials from which these dolls are made, they are excellently
insulated, and if warmed for a while, their body temperature will last longer.
This will allow you to spend more time with your warm DL Doll

However, modern sex dolls are indestructible because of the materials used to
make them, so you need to understand how to warm up your dolls efficiently
without the potential for damage. Five ways to warm up your doll without
damaging it (mostly economical):

Tight Skirt Girl pic

Built-in whole body heater

The doll's body and holes are preheated inside and out by a built-in full-body
heater system. A little more expensive, but a very valuable and long-lasting
option if you have the money to show off your fun and comfort.

This is an optional upgrade offered by many Love Doll manufacturers. If
additional options are not yet available on the website, you can always contact
your preferred manufacturer to see if they can accommodate your request.





販売のための高品質のセックス人形 引用
  2022/10/5 (水) 11:26:58 - urdolls serry - <x353138462@outlook.com> - No.1664936744

アニメセックス人形: https://www.urdolls.com/anime-sex-doll-c-38.html

日本のセックス人形: https://www.urdolls.com/asian-style-doll-c-4.html

TPE セックス人形: https://www.urdolls.com/tpe-doll-c-1.html

シリコーンセックス人形: https://www.urdolls.com/silicone-doll-c-2.html

高級ブランド時計コピー N級品 引用
  2022/10/5 (水) 09:11:22 - 羽生 結蝶 - <メール送信> - No.1664928672
高級ブランド時計コピー N級品
2021年の新素材-新作!高品質 腕時計
高品質の追求 超N品を良心価格で提供
ご不明点が ございましたらお気軽にお問い合わせください
Email: nomocopy@gmail.com
店長:羽生 結蝶

リアルドール 引用
  2022/10/4 (火) 18:31:43 - dldolls2022 - <dldolls123@gmail.com> - No.1664875667
DL Dollwww.dldolls.com/brand-b50045.html

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